Welcome to our Agency

Restaurant operators are very busy. Food purchasing and preparation, employee training and management, marketing and advertising are all facets of the restaurant business and occupy the majority of an operator’s day. With all these pressures, and the daily emergencies that happen in every restaurant, it is no wonder that there is very little time left to devote to bookkeeping. Mitchell Bookkeeping & Payroll understands restaurant owners. We understand that the daily and weekly bookkeeping routine needs to be streamlined and meaningful.

We understand that restaurant operators need information that they can trust and rely upon to turn plans into actions.

Mitchell Bookkeeping & Payroll was established in 1983 to serve the needs of franchised restaurant owners. Through the years many things have changed in the restaurant business. New concepts have been developed and technology has improved operations. The need for accurate and reliable financial information has not changed. It is essential that each operatorhas the information needed to successfully operate a restaurant. The operating efficiency of the restaurant, tax planning, financing, and business evaluation are all important aspects of the financial health of the restaurant.

We are proud to be working with some of the most successful franchises in the world. Our success has come from understanding restaurant operators and being able to provide the information needed for our clients’ financial success.

And our success has led us to expand our services to other business models. We now represent non-franchise restaurants, media companies, real estate companies, tattoo parlors, marijuana shops and construction contractors.

To find out more about our client services and what Mitchell has to offer, please contact us today. We are always excited to talk to you about your accounting needs or questions.